Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday January 14, 2013

A friend recently said that she was going to try hard this year to stay in contact through face book - I thought that was a good idea and thought to myself that maybe I should try to do the same through my blog.

I've really been lax about blogging. Life has a way of messing with ones mind and detouring you no matter what you think you want to do.

Nerve damage to your predominate hand has a way of wanting to knock  you down and discourage you. I had the surgery that was suggested. They did it on the 18th of December of last year with the hopes that the surgery would give me either additional or full recovery of my hand. Well, it didn't.

When typing, I find that if the letter is on the right side of my keyboard, I still spend a good deal of correcting messages, post or letters so that what I'm trying to say doesn't sound like gobbeldy gook -

I did get brave at Christmas. I purchased 3 unpainted ceramic houses to paint myself and add to my village under the Christmas Tree. Doing the details did give me a challenge but I still had to try. They came out pretty good. If you want to see them, I have my Christmas pictures on my Facebook.

I may have to give in and purchase a program that I heard of called Dragon so that I can get back to writing and hopefully get my manuscript finished since manually typing it may now become more difficult than I had thought.

I hope that everyone is having a good weekend

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